Come join me while I blog about my adventures in the world of quilting, reading, learning and just life in general.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Taking a lunch break
Thursday, July 24, 2014
New Scrappy Purse
I needed a small purse to carry my phone this weekend. We are going to the Mora Fiestas on Saturday. There is going to be street dancing so I didn't want to take a big bulky purse. I used two of my crazy quilt squares that I always sew. . .have tons of them. The lining is made from fabric that my daughter in law gave me. I also used that fabric to add a small money pocket. Then I added a strap so I can carry it over my shoulder while I dance! That is if my hip is in good condition!! LOL!
The purse is in front of the vintage machine that I cleaned up and got it running. Very very nice machine and powerful.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Small Tornado Hits My Hexies!
So I am over at my daughter's house. We came to have a family barbecue. We were not able to get together for " Fourth of July" because of my hip so we are getting together now.
Anyway, I brought my plastic bin full of quilting supplies to work on my hexies while we drive here and while I have down time at my daughter's house.
I usually only work on them in the early morning hours and in the late evening before retiring. Yesterday I brought the bin out and was working on the hexies while the granddaughter was still asleep. I didn't pay attention when she came down and she saw the bin. Of course her two year old eyes lit up with the possibility of a new toy! She was very polite and asked if she could touch the hexies. I guess she thought they were puzzle pieces. She was trying to lay them out and connecting them like puzzle pieces.
She loved all the pieces, there were so many! Then I asked her what color the pieces were and she got every one correct except the grey!
We had a great time "sewing"!
I told her mommy that I hoped this was an indication of her interest in quilting! LOL!!
The first picture is what my bin looks like normally and the second after the "little tornado" did her "sewing"!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Going to Albuquerque
We are on the way to Albuquerque to visit our daughter, son, and grandchildren.
Very beautiful scenery along the way.
We are approaching a village called Sapello (saw-pay-yo) when you're heading south from Mora toward Las Vegas, New Mexico, USA on highway 518.
As you pass Sapello and get closer to Las Vegas, you will pass Storrie Lake on the right. Because of the drought we have been experiencing, the level of the lake is pretty low.
But, even as low as the water is, it is summer and there are always campers in the Storrie Lake State Park.
I always enjoy our drive down from our mountain no matter how many times I see it.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Sewing in New Work Space
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Working the Flea Market
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Flea Market at VFW Hall
I am selling my quilting goods, freezer paper hexagons, pre cut fabric hexagons, 2 1/2 inch fabric strips, fat quarters, fat eights, fabric scraps, fabric yardage, thread, batting and various other crafting stuff.
I am also selling a crib and an Eddie Bauer high chair - all wood, that we bought to use when our granddaughters came to visit. They are now out of that stage so we don't need them anymore. They are practically brand new. They have been in storage longer than they were used.
And of course since it is a flea market, we will be selling any other "stuff" that we can dig out of storage.
So if you have nothing to do and are in the area, drop by and say hello! It's free to get in!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Holiday Weekend is Over!
When we arrived at the park in "Old Las Vegas", we parked and walked to the central park area where the vendors, music and dancing were to happen.
There were hundreds of people walking, standing and talking, sitting on lawn chairs and on the grass. The lines for the food vendors were long as they usually are for hot dogs, hamburgers, funnel cake, ice cream, sodas, snow cones, indian tacos, sopapillas, red or green chili, ribbon fries, turkey legs and various t-shirts, bracelets and other trinkets.
We were lucky enough to find a spot to sit on the grandstand in front of the bandstand and dancing area. The music was good and loud! As we were looking around for anyone that we might know, my husband's family is from around the Las Vegas, New Mexico area, I felt a raindrop! Oh No! I told my husband we would have to leave if it started raining. . . and sure enough! The amount of rain escalated so rapidly that by the time we ran (as fast as I could with my healing hip) to the parking place for our truck, we were both drenched to the skin. I had no towel to dry off with so I used the inside of my sweatshirt sweater, LOL! I usually carry a towel in our SUV but we were in the truck. We took the truck instead of the SUV because we were planning on moving boxes and furniture from storage after we had listened to the music at the festival. But, with the rain, we decided not to move anything. We didn't want to risk any items getting damaged by the rain.
So, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, "The Hillcrest" in Las Vegas. By that time it was lunch time and we had to wait to be seated because of the lunch time rush. We had a good lunch in spite of the fact that we were still in very wet clothes. Before we headed home we stopped to do some grocery shopping. It was still raining on our way home to Guadalupita, which is 40 miles away. As we approached our home village, the rain slowed and stopped completely. But, as we finished putting our groceries away, the rain started again. This time we were inside our cabin, completely dry in warm and comfy clothes.
The rest of the evening, we watched our usual Saturday lineup of country music shows on RFD TV. Then we watched the fireworks from the capital. It was still raining so no one was shooting off fireworks in our vicinity.
While we were on the way to and from Las Vegas I worked on my Hexie project. I got quite a few hexies basted. Since we were bouncing around in the truck, I couldn't do the fine stitching needed to connect the hexies so I settled for basting the individual hexies. I only have about a thousand more to baste so it was an accomplishment!
Sorry there are no pictures! I was so preoccupied with the rain at the festival, I totally forgot to take pictures. Maybe at next year's festival.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Update on Sewing Room/Studio
I have been working on my new working space and wanted you to see the progress.
The first photo is the whole corner where I am starting to organize. This is Where the bed was before we took it out.
My two vintage machines are under the colorful covers.
The second picture shows the corner with the machines uncovered. . . I had to show them off!! LOL!
Still a lot to do but I am able to get in here and sew.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
New Work Area/Studio?
The only problem with rearranging things is that you have to figure out where you are going to put the things you are moving. It's kind of a domino effect, move one thing, the next thing needs to be moved, then the next and the next, etc. Previously, the area I am repurposing looked like the picture below.
The bed in the picture is going out and that is where I am putting a desk, an ironing station and a cutting table. The area is pretty small but much larger than my 3 x 3 previous area.
Now I can take all my fabrics, quilts, patterns, threads, etc and put them into this space instead of being spread around in small areas throughout my property.
All the plastic boxes with fabric will be put into the area above the air conditioner and in the cabinets behind the mirror on the right and left side of the picture. Any leftovers will put into our new storage shed that my husband just finished building. At least that is the plan . . . I'll update you as the work progresses.
It shouldn't take too long because I have been planning, folding, cutting, taking pics of fabrics and cataloguing for the last 6 months. So, I think it will go very smoothly . . . I hope!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Working the hexies!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Restoring a Dead Vintage Singer Sewing Machine
Monday, June 2, 2014
What To Do With Small Scraps?
I am a hoarder, as my husband calls me, of fabric. I love and breathe fabric! I can not look at a piece without touching it or wanting to buy it, if available and affordable. Way back when I started sewing my own clothes, I started thinking what should I do with the left over fabric?
Here comes my two aunts to the rescue. They made a lot of their own clothes if not all of them. One aunt suggested I save my pieces and coordinate them in color so I could piece a blouse, jacket or pants. After she said this, she showed me a top that had 20 pieces! She made it from scraps of her previous projects. It was really nice. I was very impressed that she had the mind set and patience to piece together a pattern that would look nice. The color scheme was great and she used a lot of top stitching so that the pieces looked like part of the design. I loved it! But, I did not want to put that much thought and effort into the design and all that top stitching!!! After all, I was just a teenager and patience was not one of my virtues.
Then I went over to the other aunt's house and she was working on a "crazy" quilt. I inquired as to what pattern she was using and why she had so many colors and sizes of fabrics. She told me when she makes an outfit, the left over scraps go into her quilt scrap bin saving them for a "crazy" quilt. I was fascinated by the twists, turns, colors and designs of the various fabrics and the fact there was very little planning other than which fabric you liked next to which fabric. I WAS HOOKED!!!
My fabric saving obsession started then. It was my aunt's fault for introducing me to saving the smallest scraps. Larger scraps for sewing together into a pieced or "crazy" quilt and smaller scraps for applique. I knew about quilting squares but had never heard of "crazy" quilting . . .this was before the internet and the abundance of quilting magazines that we have now.
Today I would like to show you a sample of the pieces that I acquire while cutting fabric for customers.
These are some pieces that I have left over . . .
How I trim these down is what I will be showing you today. In the picture above right I had just finished cutting hexagons. You can clearly see some triangles, diamonds and some strips that can be cut from these pieces. But what about pieces that are not so clearly defined? Here is an example . . .
I found this piece and was thinking to cut a long strip across the top. Then I noticed that if I used my
quarter square ruler I could cut a fairly large triangle. I use two rulers when cutting difficult triangles. The quarter square triangle and half square triangle ruler. After I cut this piece into a quarter square triangle I used the half square ruler because presently I am trying to cut a lot of half square triangles.
This picture shows a piece that has a tear in it . . .
Once you have this angle flip it so that it will look like this . . .
Now you have an edge where you can line up your half square triangle ruler and finish cutting a triangle.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Which Triangle?
Friday, May 30, 2014
Not snow. . . FLOWERS!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Cleaning and Testing New Vintage Machine

Friday, May 23, 2014
A New Vintage Sewing Machine . . . Housekeeper Deluxe
Here is a picture of it in its present condition . . .

Pretty dirty isn't it?
I noticed that the case, even though the top is broken, is made of wood. That means that all that dirty, torn covering can be taken off and something new and pretty applied to the wood and the top glued back together. I am wondering what design should I put on the cover? Should I use fancy scrapbook paper or should I use really nicely designed fabric like a paisley. I am looking for suggestions!
My neighbors son said that the machine works. So that's a plus. He said the needle went up and down when he pressed on the peddle. But he never threaded it because he didn't know how. I needed to find a manual so that I could thread it and test it to see if it really works and has a good stitch. So I went searching on the internet and found a company named "Sewing Manuals".
I was on their website for about an hour searching for this machine. The name on the machine is "Housekeeper Deluxe" Model 400. I couldn't find a name for the manufacturer, just that it was made in Japan.
This machine is not a straight stitch, it has zig zag and cams for decorative stitching. So with all this information in mind I went to Sewing Manuals online. As I stated before I spent a good hour trying to find the "Housekeeper Deluxe, Model 400". No such thing!
I remembered that they were essentially a "White" sewing machine and looked under "White". They had dozens of machines! Luckily, they put a picture of the sewing machine model next to the description. That is what took so long. Looking at the different model pictures and comparing it to my sewing machine.
I finally found a picture that matched almost exactly. The only difference was the upper arm thread guides in the picture were spring like curly cue type. Mine were just straight flat pieces of metal with holes for the thread. Everything else matched exactly. You can see the "flat upper arm thread guides" in the picture below. One is in back of the words "Push down to darn" and one in front. The dark square hole to the right of those words is where the cams are placed. The cover is laying to the right of the square hole.

I am so glad that I found this manual. Now I have the correct threading diagram, which is extremely important. The machine came with one bobbin and no cams. My next step is to find the correct bobbins for this machine. It does not say anything in the manual about size of bobbins. It only has the size of needles.

Here is a picture of the bobbin that came with the machine and the bobbin case. The bobbin case is inserted on the left side under the feed dogs in a sideways position. In the picture below you can see where you would insert the bobbin.

After I get the correct bobbins and clean the machine well, get the stitch correct and re-cover the carrying case, maybe I will look for the cams that go with the machine.
I will be posting more pictures of the progress that I make on getting this machine clean and nice looking.
If you need a manual for a sewing machine, I recommend that you go to this website. They have hundreds of brands and models.
Monday, May 19, 2014
A Fun Swap!
Spring Has Finally Arrived!
But yesterday it was in the high 70's and today its supposed to be in the high 70's also.
My husband cut our lawn for the first time today! YAY! I have moved my hand crank machine to (what we call) "the new trailer". I will be working in there during the summer. Of all our living quarters, it has the best views out its many windows.
I am still trying to sort, toss and organize my fabrics, patterns, knick knacks, what nots and other assorted stuff. Now that our storage shed is almost finished, I decided to start bringing boxes from commercial storage in Las Vegas and sort, toss, etc. This was our storage shed's foundation laying days.
I can do the sorting, tossing, etc. a little at a time and start converting from moving boxes to plastic storage bins and labeling and placing them in our storage shed.
The storage shed has walls and a roof, just has not been wired or the outside finished yet, but it's useable while they finish the outside.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Bobbins, Bobbins, Bobbins!

Lesson learned. . . Measure your bobbins carefully before you buy and ask the vendor to tell you how long the" axle" is. The axle is where the thread will wind. Measure the diameter of the right and left flanges. As you can see in the picture below, the flange on the right most bobbin is too wide. It won't fit in the bobbin winder.

![]() |
This is the correct bobbin and is winding correctly! |
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