Yesterday I spent the day cutting fabric as I had an order for 3 inch hearts. I took a break around noon for lunch and to sit outside for a little sun.
It was so nice and warm! Of course I didn't stay outside in the sun too long because the sun here in New Mexico can be brutal! But, just 5, or was it 10 minutes really helped perk me up.
I was really starting to get cabin fever with the snow and cold but yesterday and today I have re-energized my soul!
Since I finished that hearts fabric order, today I spent the day cutting strips and sewing little blocks for a baby quilt. I am making two baby quilts, one pink and one blue. This year I am going to be ahead of the babies, which I know, will eventually come. I will be prepared! Once I have finished the two quilts, I will put them away and wait until someone has a baby! One will be predominately pink but not all pink and the other predominately blue.
The last time I made a baby quilt, I was rushing to have it finished by the date of the shower. I hate that kind of stress so I promised myself I would be prepared for next time. And there will be a next time!
So here is a picture of the blocks. I don't know what the pattern is or if there even is a pattern. I just sewed 1 1/2 inch strips around a 4 1/2 inch block. I sewed kind of in the log cabin fashion but only one row. Next I will sew all the blocks together and then add a border and then hand quilt. I was also thinking to add a solid color sashing instead of sewing block to block. I'll have to see what that looks like and then decide.